

Diwali  Introduction, Description of the festival,Usefulness,Conclusion

Diwali or Dipabali, the festival of lights, is a great Indian festival.

The festival is held at night and falls on the same night when KALI  PUJA is held.

While KALI  PUJA is celebrated by only Bengales, Diwali is observed by the HINDUS all over India.

On this day they decorate their houses with electric lights and candles.

Diwali is observed to celebrate the return of  Ramachandra to Ayodhya after an exile of fourteen years.It symbolises the ultimate victory of good over evil.

On this occasion, the houses are beautifully decorated with electric lights, lamps and lighted candles.

The houses as well as streets are equally illuminated and look fabulous.

People are out at night to see and enjoy lights.

The people particularly in the western parts of the country send presents,sweets, and fireworks to their friends and relatives Fire related accidents are common during Diwali and many people die and many more are wounded.

Diwali is an important day for traders and businessmen many of whom open their new account books on this auspicious day.

The festival of lights is an important festival like many other festival's like DURGA PUJA, Christmas and the like.

It brings the people of different communities closer and together.

It fosters national unity and it is thus the greatest significance of one of the greatest festival's of the country.


diwali in bengali

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