A Visit To a Fair

 A Visit To a Fair

On the occasion of "RATHAJATRA" or Festival,I visited last year the famous fair held at Mahesh near serampore.

I went there on the evening of the day along with my parents and younger sister.

The fair was quite a large one.

There were hundreds of shops with things and articles both of necessity and luxury.

People crowded all these shops and werbuying and bargaining over articles necessary in our daily life.

Children thronged in front of toy shops .

An atmosphere of din and bustle always prevailed in the fair.

The merry -go-round Wes the biggest attraction for children.

I had a ride on it with my younger sister and we enjoyed the ride greatly. Flower and fruit plants and saplings were selling like hot cakes from nurseries there.

I puchased a few of them and my sister bought balloons and toys.

At last,we entered a food-stall and had some refreshment there.

Then we came back home tired and exhausted but very happy and fully contented.

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