The Telephone

The Telephone

The Telephone Introduction , its operation ,usefulness ,conclusion.

The telephone has worked wonders in mass communication these days.
It is a kind of machine with the help of which one can talk to another person.
The credit of inventing the telephone goes to the English scientist Graham bell.
There are two parts in a telephone machine.
One is called the transmitters and the other is called the receiver.
With the help of the former one can speak and with the help of the latter one can hear what is said.
Each telephone is connected by an electric wire with a central place that is called the exchange.
None can deny the value of the telephone.
Every individual irrespective of what position he holds is in need of the telephone.
If any necessity arises one can talk to others sitting at his house or office.
Thus,he saves time and money.
Businessmen can gather a lot of information about their business through the telephone.
If any person falls I'll, we can call the ambulance to rush the patient to hospital.
In the event of fire breaking out in our locality, the fire brigade can be immediately contacted to fight the fire.
If any crime is perpetrated, the police is informed in time for action. The telephone has its various other uses.
But the telephone is not all good.
It has made our life more mechanical.
The art of letter writing is destroyed.
To much use of the telephone  has made us restless.
The telephone users should be careful about all these abuses.


The telephone was invented by,The telephone wires break in winter,The telephone and the doorbell rang,The telephone version of phishing.

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