A journey by Boat

A journey by Boat

A journey by boat is a very exciting experience.

Last September I enjoyed one such experience along with some my friends.

Generally we go to Kolkata either  by bus or train.

But we decided  to go by boat from our place in budge.

The river was full to the brim.

We hired a boat. 

We were ten in number. 

We started by 8 am.

And then we had our breakfast on the boat with different delicacies.

There were two oarsmen and a helmsman. The boat  Wes floating along smoothly with the current of  water  favouring it. When we were in midstream some of us especially those who did not know how to swim got nervous.

Oknowing how to swim gave them the words of assurance.

From the middle of the Hooghly we had a wonderful view of the things and trees on both the banks  of the river.

Sometimes ships were passing by making huge waves in the river.

The boat went up and down in the waves causing some fear among some of my friends.

As we were approaching kolkata, high buildings, and chimneys of mills and factories came to our view.

One by one we found the trees of botanical gardens, the ships in Netaji Subhas Chandra port and also the also the Vidyasagar Setu and Howrah  Bridge.

These looked so beautiful from a distance.

All along a gentle breeze was blowing across making the journey rather comfortable and enjoyable.

We had our lunch on the boat and it consisted of different  delicious items.

All relished the lunch.

In course of the journey ,we gossiped and listened to music making the journey all attractive. Our back journey began at 3 p.m. when the ebb tide began.

The boat started moving fast down the river. 

The most attractive thing now was the magnificent spectacle of the setting sun going into the horizon in the distance.

Our long and adventurous journey by boat came to an end in the evening. 


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