The Television

The Television

The television is one of the marvels of modern science and technology.

The credit of inventing it goes to the Scottish scientist J.L. Baird in 1929. It is the process of transmitting a view of actual or recorded events by radio to a distant receiving set.

The radio gives us only the sound but the television gives us both the sound and the picture. TV has been the most powerful medium of entertainment and education.

It entertains us with varieties of programmes of songs, dramas, dances, debates,discussions,news,views,games and the like.

The television is also an effective medium of education.

Quiz programmes and UGC programmes increase the knowledge of students. 

The masses can be made aware of the rules of health and hygiene.

Farmers can be taught how to cultivate their lands by applying the right amount of manure and using the right kind of seeds.

The display of operations will help medical students immediately.

The television can also be used for adult education which is the crying need of India. But the television is not an unalloyed and unmixed blessing to us .

It has its abuses.

It makes viewers idle and inactive.

The display of the scenes of sex and violence lower the moral standards of young people.

We should be hence quite careful in watching TV.


the television remotes work using,the television was invented by..

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