A Journey In a Crowded Bus

A Journey In a Crowded Bus

A few days back,I had a bitter experience of a journey in a crowded bus. Father and myself were waiting at garia-junction to get a bus for esplanade.

The bus came after some time.

It was jam packed.

The bus was so crowded that many passengers were standing and even hanging at the gates.

To get into the bus was a problem.

We had to board the overcrowded bus as we were in a hurry.

We struggled really very hard to get into the bus.

We shouldered and elbowed our way inside the bus.

Some passengers were shouting at us as we trod their feet.

The inside of the bus was so crowded that even standing comfortably there Wes very difficult. Sometimes I had to stand on one foot.

But despite so much of trouble, the conductor was doing his duties property.

It was a big wonder to me.

In addition to these difficulties,the bus was jogging along rough rough roads and the driver often applied the brakes.

As a result, the passengers lost their temper and cursed him.

Some were criticizing the government for its failure to tackle the transport problems.

Some among. The passengers were cutting and cracking nice jokes.

All enjoyed them much.

At last, we came to our destination and got down with a deep sigh of relief.


A Journey By Train

A Journey By Train

 I had a great desire to go on a journey by train.

My dream came true when my father planned to go to South India on a visit in the last summer vacation.

On 25th May last, I, along with other members of our family, arrived at Howrah Station at 2 p.m. to catch the Coromondel Express.

Father had our seats reserved well in advance.

We boarded the train and took our seats in time.

I was lucky enough to have a seat by the window.

Most of the passengers in the compartment were Bengales.

They were also going to South India to enjoy the vacation.

However, the train started at the right time and soon it picked up great speed.

In no time,I forgot everything and only looked outside.

The first half was at Kharagpur .

As the train stopped, the hawkers entered the compartment to sell their articles.

Soon the train started again and our next halt was at baleswar.

Then we had our supper and after some time went to sleep.

I took the upper berth and soon fell fast asleep.

I woke up early next morning and started enjoying the wavy landscapes of Orissa and Andhra Pradesh.

At long last, our train reached Chennai in the evening.

Thus, our delightful journey came to a close.


A journey by Boat

A journey by Boat

A journey by boat is a very exciting experience.

Last September I enjoyed one such experience along with some my friends.

Generally we go to Kolkata either  by bus or train.

But we decided  to go by boat from our place in budge.

The river was full to the brim.

We hired a boat. 

We were ten in number. 

We started by 8 am.

And then we had our breakfast on the boat with different delicacies.

There were two oarsmen and a helmsman. The boat  Wes floating along smoothly with the current of  water  favouring it. When we were in midstream some of us especially those who did not know how to swim got nervous.

Oknowing how to swim gave them the words of assurance.

From the middle of the Hooghly we had a wonderful view of the things and trees on both the banks  of the river.

Sometimes ships were passing by making huge waves in the river.

The boat went up and down in the waves causing some fear among some of my friends.

As we were approaching kolkata, high buildings, and chimneys of mills and factories came to our view.

One by one we found the trees of botanical gardens, the ships in Netaji Subhas Chandra port and also the also the Vidyasagar Setu and Howrah  Bridge.

These looked so beautiful from a distance.

All along a gentle breeze was blowing across making the journey rather comfortable and enjoyable.

We had our lunch on the boat and it consisted of different  delicious items.

All relished the lunch.

In course of the journey ,we gossiped and listened to music making the journey all attractive. Our back journey began at 3 p.m. when the ebb tide began.

The boat started moving fast down the river. 

The most attractive thing now was the magnificent spectacle of the setting sun going into the horizon in the distance.

Our long and adventurous journey by boat came to an end in the evening. 


A journey by Air

A journey by Air 

 I had a great desire for a journey by plane.

An opportunity for an air journey came when my father took us to New Delhi.

Father had the tickets booked well in advance.

On the Day of journey, we went by car to bum dum airport.

After reporting ourselves,we showed our tickets at a counter inside the terminal building of the airport.

Our suitcases were taken to be kept in the luggage cabin.

Then we entered the security enclosure for necessary checking.

Time for boarding the plane was announced.

We now went into the plane by climbing the stairs. 

I felt excited and exulted as well.

We were greeted by a fair looking air hostess.

Then the time for departure came.

The air hostess wished us all a happy journey and directed us to fasten the seat belts around our waists. 

It was a huge jet plane with the capacity of one hundred odd passengers.

It was 7 a.m. when the plane took off.

It moved along a mile long runway with a gradually increasing speed.

Then it began to fly smoothly up into the sky.

 I had a feeling which I never experienced in life before.

Next the air hostess visited us and gave us packets of instant freshener paper napkins to rub our hands and faces.

We were given lozenges and chocolates which I relished.

Perhaps I enjoyed the journey more sitting just behind the window from where I could see the wonderful sights below.

Everything looked so small from such a great height.

I could see the vast expanse of greenery of North India.

When we were nearing the end of our two hour journey the air hostess directed us to fasten our seat belts. 

Now the plane was flying down.

We could feel we were going down.

Then the plane landed Safdarjung Airport.

 The air hostess bade us good bye.

We went to the terminal building for receiving of our suitcases and then went to Ashoka Hotel by taxi.


The festival's of bengolees

 The festival's  of  Bengalees

'Rathajatra, Durga puja, Muharram, Nabanna'festival ,Saraswati Puja, Doljatra, 'Charak', 'Rakhibandhan.

Among Indians the Bengales are most fond of festival's throughout the year.

It is said that the Bengales observe thirteen festival's in twelve months.

The festival's in Bengal start with the 'Halkhata' on the Bengali new year's Day. It is followed by the 'Rathajatra' or Car Festival in the rainy season.

On the occasion of this festival, fairs are held in different parts of the state.

Then comes Durga puja the greatest Hindu festival in Bengal.

The festival continues for four days  during which the Bengales dressed in new clothes,enjoy it greatly.

Durga Puja is celebrated with pomp and pleasure everywhere in Bengal.

I'd and 'Muharram, the greatest of Muslim festival's, are also observed with traditional gaiety and grandeur here .

'Nabanna'festival which marks the beginning of harvesting new crops is a very popular festival in in the countryside here.

Christmas is celebrated with great pleasure and enthusiasm.

People belonging to all communities take part in it spontaneously.

Saraswati Puja, and Doljatra  ,the festival of colours are also equally popular here in Bengal.

The Bengalee festival's end up with 'Charak' In addition to these festival's,the Bengales also observe the New Year's Day according to both Bengali and English calendars, 'Rakhibandhan' and other festival's these days.




 This  was Soham's programme last Sunday. Study the programme and write what run did on Sunday last:-

Soham had a very busy and compact programme on Sunday last.

He woke up as early as 6 in the morning. 

Then from 6-00 a.m. to 6-30 a.m. for half an hour,he took some physical exercise in the fresh morning air.

Next he washed his hands and face and had his breakfast at 7 a.m.

He studied attentively for three hours from 7-30 a.m. to 10-30 a.m. 

His studies being over, RAJIB  watched and enjoyed differ-ent programmes on television for one hour till 11-30 a.m. 

Hhad his midday meal at 12-30p.m. sharp.

Then he spent the time from 01-00 p.m. to 03-00 p.m. by taking rest and reading different interesting story books.

Rajib played an important football match for his club in the afternoon from 04-30 p.m. to 05-30 p.m.

In the evening at 06-00 p.m. he went to his club to attend a feast. The feast was given by their captain in honour of their team that had won the match.

Rajib came back home by 08-00 p.m. and very soon he retired to bed.




Diwali  Introduction, Description of the festival,Usefulness,Conclusion

Diwali or Dipabali, the festival of lights, is a great Indian festival.

The festival is held at night and falls on the same night when KALI  PUJA is held.

While KALI  PUJA is celebrated by only Bengales, Diwali is observed by the HINDUS all over India.

On this day they decorate their houses with electric lights and candles.

Diwali is observed to celebrate the return of  Ramachandra to Ayodhya after an exile of fourteen years.It symbolises the ultimate victory of good over evil.

On this occasion, the houses are beautifully decorated with electric lights, lamps and lighted candles.

The houses as well as streets are equally illuminated and look fabulous.

People are out at night to see and enjoy lights.

The people particularly in the western parts of the country send presents,sweets, and fireworks to their friends and relatives Fire related accidents are common during Diwali and many people die and many more are wounded.

Diwali is an important day for traders and businessmen many of whom open their new account books on this auspicious day.

The festival of lights is an important festival like many other festival's like DURGA PUJA, Christmas and the like.

It brings the people of different communities closer and together.

It fosters national unity and it is thus the greatest significance of one of the greatest festival's of the country.


diwali in bengali

A Journey In a Crowded Bus

A Journey In a Crowded Bus A few days back,I had a bitter experience of a journey in a crowded bus. Father and myself were waiting at garia-...